Benefits & value proposition
Understanding the fundamentals around PNGVN, it's benefits and values
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Understanding the fundamentals around PNGVN, it's benefits and values
Last updated
Global NFT Group Investment Management’s strategic plan sets out the management of the PNGVN. We keep the PNGVN close to the benchmark and index of the NFT market. We use a variety of strategies to manage the PNGVN with acceptable risk and within the constraints imposed by the mandate. These strategies are complementary and tailored to the PNGVN’s risk tolerance and our unique characteristics as a large, long-term investor with limited short-term liquidity needs and low management costs. Our investment strategies secure an index of 80 top companies in this space into three main categories: NFTs, Cryptocurrencies and Artificial intelligence (AI).
We report risk and performance according to these three main categories.
Check out the current portfolio of the PNGVN Token by exploring the link below:
The key value propositions include:
Diversification By investing in an index fund portfolio, investors gain exposure to a diversified range of assets, reducing concentration risk and enhancing portfolio stability.
Passive income Our dividend-paying security token provides investors with a steady stream of passive income through quarterly dividend distributions, offering an alternative source of revenue.
Transparency & efficiency Blockchain technology enables real-time tracking of dividend payments and portfolio holdings, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and trust among investors.
Accessibility Our dividend-paying security token allows for fractional ownership, enabling investors of all sizes to access diversified investment opportunities previously reserved for institutional investors only.
Cost efficiency By eliminating intermediaries and automating processes through smart contracts, our dividend-paying security token reduces transaction costs and administrative overhead.